
About Us

At the RTK, we are passionate about peoples’ right to know: their right to know that the right services are being delivered to the right people in the most efficient and effective way possible. 

The Right To Know (the RTK) takes its name from a painting by American artist Norman Rockwell. The original was produced for the August 1968 edition of Look magazine. It shows a large group of people, including the artist himself, painted from photographs of individuals arranged into a composition in the artist’s studio. The painting deals with the subject of ‘justice for all’.  

The RTK is headed up by Dr Tony Munton. Tony has over 30 years’ experience of evaluating social policy across key areas of government, national and local. Our bespoke delivery teams combine expertise as researchers, academics and practitioners. 

We work with clients in the public, private and third sector and at local, national and international levels. We use our specialist knowledge to deliver the right decision support to the right people at the right time. We do this through evidence reviews, independent evaluations and supporting our clients to collect and analyse robust performance data. Our specialist areas of expertise are health, social care, education and criminal justice.